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How Long Does It Take For A Tattoo To Heal?

After deciding to get a tattoo, you may notice that it takes longer than expected to heal. The healing process is divided into four stages, and the time it requires depends on the size of the tattoo, its location on your body, and your habits.

More details: how long does it take for a tattoo to heal ( )

More details: tattoo pain chart  ( )

This article will discuss all those stages of tattoo healing, how long does it take for a tattoo to heal, and any indicators that your tattoo isn’t healing properly.

How Long Does It Take For A Tattoo To Heal: Explanation Of 4 Stages

The visible layer of skin (the area you see) usually heals in 2 to 3 weeks after receiving a tattoo. While it may appear to be healed, and you may be tempted to let off on the aftercare, the skin beneath a tattoo can take up to 6 months to fully recover.

The skin around larger tattoos takes longer to heal, and some factors, such as picking at scabs, not moisturizing, skipping SPF, or using an alcohol-based lotion, can all slow down the healing process.

The stages of tattoo healing can often be separated into four distinct stages, each requiring slightly different tattoo care.

1. First Week

Treat your tattoo as an open wound once you’ve left the shop. It will remain bandaged so you can securely return home without risking infection. Wash the area as suggested above after a few hours.

Keep your tattoo covered for the first 24 hours, except to cleanse the wound, change the bandage, and wrap as needed.

Your skin may become tanned over the first week. You may notice that your skin is slightly swollen in addition to the localized stinging. This isn’t something to be concerned about. Inflammation is a necessary part of the healing process and is your body’s natural response.

Scabs will form on top of the tattooed region. You must not pick these scabs under any circumstances. Make it a practice to wash the area twice a day by hand. All you’ll need is some ultra-gentle soap and a pot of boiling water. After drying, use an aftercare lotion or moisturizer. Your tattoo artist will be able to advise you on the best products to use.



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