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Seminars in the education system of modern students

Seminars in the education system of modern students

Seminars practiced in higher education can be
grouped into three types:
- Having as their main purpose the in-depth study of viz. of a particular systematic course and thematically
firmly related to it;
- designed for the in-depth study of
the most important and typical, in terms of methodology, topics of a course or even a single topic;
- research-type, focused on selected
private problems of science for their in-depth elaboration.
According to their form, seminars can be held in the form of an extended interview according to a known plan or in the form of small reports followed by a discussion. These forms are close to each other, since presentations in the conversation are short reports.
Seminar, regardless of its form - always direct contact with students, establishing trust with various products for students for example buy college papers online is also important productive pedagogical communication. Well-organized seminars are held in an atmosphere of scientific co-operation and mutual understanding.
of the collective.
Experienced teachers, forming an atmosphere of creative work, orient students to
and discussion, combining them with a simple
of prepared topics, hearing of essays. The instructor gives an attitude of listening
or focus students' attention on evaluation and discussion depending on the topic and the situation.
Taking into account students' character qualities
(communication skills, self-confidence, anxiety),
the instructor directs the discussion and assigns roles. Unsure of themselves, uncommunicative students
are offered private, facilitated questions that allow them
an opportunity to speak and experience a psychological
feeling of success.
In the organization of seminars, the
the principle of joint activity, co-creativity. According to studies of collaborative learning activities
the process of thinking and learning is more effective
if the problem solving is not carried out individually, but using also it implies collective efforts. Therefore, a seminar class is effective when it is held as a prepared joint discussion of the questions put forward by each participant. The general search for answers by the study group, the possibility to discover and justify different points of view, and the need to develop a common understanding of different opinions are realized.
of different points of view of students. Such seminars provide control over the assimilation of knowledge and development of scientific thinking of students. Special seminar is a school of communication
of novice researchers on a particular scientific
Educational approaches in modern education
How instructors behave when teaching students
Why teach students using their mistakes
The main purpose of the lecture - a press conference at the end of of a topic or a section
Why After naming the topic of the lecture, the instructor asks students to ask written questions about it?

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