בלוגים בלוגים


Free map of the US

Map of America or us map also known as America (America), the full name is the United States of America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of 50 states and 1 federal special zone. The United States is located almost entirely in the Western Hemisphere: 48 continental states and the capital Washington.

Geographical location of the United States of America map in the world:


The West borders the Pacific Ocean

East Atlantic Ocean,

Canada to the north, and Mexico to the south.

Bordered by Canada to the east.

The continental United States Map stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and from Canada to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. Alaska is the largest state in terms of area, bordering the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean, and is separated by Canada from the continental United States.

טראקבאק של כתובת אתר:

הוסף הערה
Byrd Franklin
This is an amazing and informative article that covers so much ground. slope
פורסם ב-02:56 19/10/23